
For particular articles with very small thickness wall, is possible to use X-Melt process, while articles with high thickness wall or with difficulty to guarantee linear dimensions, is possible to use the pressing gas assisted technology.
Production process for articles made on two different thermoplastic resins or thermoplastic resin and thermoplastic rubber, is realized by the bi-injection pressing technology. Thermoplastic rubber may have several hardness degree (Shore) and certification levels to satisfy client specifications.
Production is constantly monitored through individual control panels of each machine and by a computerised control system which give production parameters and statistics of all the connected presses.
Thanks to the range of machines clamping force and to production flexibility, ELIOS can positively and quickly reply to the clients demands, even not previously planned.
The department’s equipment also includes automatic devices for ware selection, carrying articles and grinding sprues, automatic feeders for hoppers and masterbatches fedeers.
Post pressing refinishing and processing, such as ultrasound welding, parts assembling and testing, are carried out in the refinishing department.
The costant feed back from international manufacturers of raw plastic materials permit to know all the previews in theme of new plastic materials on the market.
The range of raw materials normaly used (ABS, ACETALS, POLYAMIDE, POLYPROPYLENE, POLYCARBONATE, POLYSULFONE, POLYETHYLENE, POLYETHERIMMIDE, ACETATE, METHACRYLATE) with or without mineral or glass compound and with or without flame retard compound, permit to satisfy all production requirements.